How to conduct a home security audit

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What is a home security audit?

The key to having a safe home is being aware of any security vulnerabilities that can be exploited. Each room can pose a different threat level, so it's important to identify these vulnerabilities and take action so you can keep your home as safe as possible.

Part of conducting a home security audit is critically analysing and assessing which parts of your home can be easily manipulated in case of a break-in, and strategies you can implement to improve your home’s security. These changes are often inexpensive but effective, so we’ve put together a checklist below each room heading for you, so you can tick them off as you go. 


Ensure all rooms (except for the kitchen and bathroom) are fitted with working smoke alarm systems

Make sure all windows are locked and hinges are tight so they can't be manipulated by a potential intruder. Consider installing a security screen or shutter for added privacy, and hiding or locking away any sharp knives or objects that can be used against you in case of a break-in.  

  • Locked windows
  • Security screen or shutter
  • Tightened hinges
  • Hidden or locked away knives/sharp objects

Bedroom(s)/living spaces

Install some finger guards to protect the hands of your little ones. This also prevents their doors and locks from being tampered with.

Key-operated locks can increase the security of your windows, ensuring intruders do not try and enter through them if the main entry and exit doors are locked. We recommend using the locks in conjunction with a dowel or security bar.

  • Finger guards in doors
  • Security bar/dowel in windows
  • Key operated locks
  • Installed and working smoke alarm


Do you have solid core security doors installed? What about finger guards to prevent tampering and protect the hands of your little ones? What type of locks do you have on your door, and how many? Installing triple locks and deadbolt locks will increase your door's security and physical strength. 

In about 30% of break-ins, intruders will enter through the front door. Installing triple locks or a solid core security door can not only be a visual deterrent but can withstand most attempts to break the door down giving you some extra time to think and act in case of a break-in. 

Are the entry and exit areas to your home well-lit? A well-lit home can decrease the likelihood of trips and falls, but it can also deter burglars since they’re not always game enough to break into a home that isn't empty. Additionally, if you are leaving your home, always leave a few lights on so intruders are given the impression that someone is home. 

We'd also recommend getting a security camera for any main exit and entry points, particularly one that's motion-sensored, so you can keep an eye on anyone lingering around your home.

In case of a break-in, ensure you have a security alarm installed and working.

  • Solid core security doors for the main entry and exit points
  • Triple locks and deadbolt locks on the main entry and exit doors
  • Installed and working security alarm and/or cameras
  • Finger guards on doors
  • Well-lit entry and exit areas 
  • Motion sensor lights
  • Installed and working smoke alarm


Key-operated locks are a must for windows in the bathroom. We’d also recommend pairing the lock with a security bar and security screen for an extra element of privacy. The last thing you want is somebody peering into your bathroom while you or any family members are taking a shower.

  • Key-operated locks for windows
  • Security screen or shutter added to any windows
  • Window security bar or dowel

Backyard, garage, and outside area(s)

Does the sliding door to your patio or backyard have a keyed bolt? Some intruders can enter through the backyard if the front door proves to be too difficult, so having a bolt that can only be unlocked through a key can prove to be a lifesaver in case of a break-in. You should also think about getting a door jammer. Even if an intruder disables the keyed bolt, a door jammer makes it quite difficult for them to open the door. 

We’d recommend investing in some motion sensor security cameras or lights for your front and back patio to alert you of any potential intruders.

Take your bins away from the side of your house, as potential intruders can use them to leverage themselves up to a window or into the backyard. Instead, store them in your garage (which should be locked at all times). Alternatively, chain them to a dog house or any other structure where they cannot be moved. 

Similarly, lock away any tools –  things like power drills, shovels, and mattocks can cause some serious harm if they get into the hands of a ballsy intruder.

Additionally, ensure any shrubbery or trees are trimmed, especially around your windows, gates, and doors, so potential intruders cannot hide behind them. 

  • Keyed bolt lock for sliding doors leading to patio or backyard
  • Motion sensor lights for front and back patio/yard
  • Garage is locked
  • Door jammer for patio or backyard
  • Bins are chained to an unmoveable structure or locked away in the garage
  • Gardening and power tools are locked away in the garage
  • Trimmed shrubbery and trees

General safety tips

  • Never post where you are or where you’re going on social media – you never know who could be watching.
  • Consider getting a dog (or at least a sign that says you own one)
    Consider investing in a security camera or home security system 
  • It's important to keep track of who exactly has access to your home. If you can't account for all of the spare keys you’ve given out over the years, consider replacing your locks, getting them rekeyed, or investing in a smart lock. You could also use a key safe or lock box to keep spare keys safe.
  • Ensure all family members, including children, are briefed on ways they can do their part in keeping the home safe. 
  • Invest in a safe. Even if you’ve done everything right, you still may be subject to a break-in. All it takes is one unlocked window, or forgetting to lock the patio door. Keep any valuables in a floor safe so they can’t be touched or taken, even in case of an intruder. 
  • Do not place any valuables in clear view of intruders (like in front of bedroom or living room windows) to prevent opportunistic break-ins.  

Final word

Analysing your home for any security vulnerabilities will help keep your home and family safe, and reduce the likelihood of a break-in.

We sourced most of our tips from the downloadable QLD Police's home security audit checklist, so you can tick each item off as you go. 

Hannah Geremia
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Hannah has had over six years of experience in researching, writing, and editing quality content. She loves gaming, dancing, and animals, and can usually be found under a weighted blanket with a cup of coffee and a book.

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